Friday, February 5, 2010

Wishing upon a Star

The society is filled up with rushing materials and rushing people. You can know someone only by a click of the key, and it is probable that he or she disappears just one second later. You may feel that the world is too unrealistic, not being able to distinguish between the reality and the illusion. No wonder that a professor would throw himself down the tall building a few days ago, with no more attachment to the world he was living in. Some people can find excitement and satisfaction in the world, though maybe with nearly unbearable pressure and unbelievable effort; while some cannot find a clue that can encourage them to go on, so they give up and choose to leave the world behind. People hurry to and fro to fight for their bright future, losing gradually their feelings and their gratitude for others. I would be very sad when I become suspicious of my friendship with one who, I once believe, could be my good friend. So here, in this article, I would like to ask people to cherish friendship.

I often hear people say that friends can be very important and even just a bit less important than parents. It seems that I agree with this saying. But I don’t know whether it is because I am too vulnerable or what else, I sometimes would doubt its reasonableness. I myself regard friendship as nourishment that cannot be eliminated from life, so I like to make friends with persons who, I think, can be loyal and faithful to me. I would be always ready to help my friends and without sparing any effort I would help them accomplish something. Although there was some time when I could not be able to help, I would not regret because I had tried with all my strength, even though I would feel very sorry for that. Sometimes I really have the sympathy that human beings are indeed creatures full of contradictions. Maybe that is the right answer to the disease that haunts human beings----Schizophrenia. I love my friends and learn to respect them. However, I found now and then I would be jealous. Whenever this happened, I would scold myself and could not help pondering whether I was a worthy and loyal friend to my friends. When I feel lonely, I turn to my friends, and they are my loyal listeners. Sometimes I can receive a letter or a call from my friends, they complain to me about their sorrows and troubles. At that time, I would be sincerely listening and sympathize with them from my deep heart. And for sure, we always share happiness with each other. Maybe I can find an excuse for my jealousy. That is everyone wants to make a progress, so do I. I want to keep pace with my friends. Jealous as I am sometimes, I am honest and would not hurt my friends on any occasion. I have already entered into the society for one and a half year. For the first year, one of my workmates and I were quite close to each other. And gradually we became good friends. Now we are in different cities, but I miss her very much. I think I am loyal to her all the same. But she once cheated me. For a long time after that I was pondering whether she treated me as a good friend. Finally I successfully persuaded myself into believing that it was just a white lie. We can be friends just like before even though now we are separated in two different cities. I would always think back over our conversations, our united effort of solving problems and the heartfelt suggestions we gave to each other. Both of us have left the place where we once worked together. Now the surrounding and the people around me are totally new. I do not know clearly whether I can find a friend like her, and whether we can cherish our friendship while the time flying away. I hope our friendship can survive everything. As a girl, I cannot deny my being sentimental sometimes. I think a lot when I am alone. If possible, I would wish upon a star that all my friends can be happy and healthy.

Some people say that it is almost impossible for you to find a true friend when you are not a student any more and become a person in the realistic society. I hope it is not the case so that I would not be disappointed when I am facing one who, I think and I believe, can be my intimate friend.

I wish upon a star that friends are forever loyal and faithful to each other.